Friday, November 5, 2010

Bagel Thins, Weddings and Weekend Plans

Good morning!  I had a brisk 40 degree scooter ride into work this morning.  I probably looked ridiculous, but I pulled out my Carhartt jacket!  It gets COLD when you get up to speed!

Last night we were at the grocery store and I was browsing the bread isle for bagels.  I usually get the store brand, but these caught my eye ...

Thomas' Bagel Thins.  They were actually on sale and ended up being cheaper than the store brand whole bagels, so I grabbed a bag to try them out.

The verdict?  Good, but I'm still hungry!  I think they would actually be great if I wasn't at the peak of training for a half marathon, but right now I actually need the extra carbs and calories.  They would be perfect for someone trying to lose or maintain weight, or just someone trying to balance their food groups (but still enjoy their carbs).  I will definitely try them again when I'm not running so much.

Does anyone have any fun plans for the weekend?  We were supposed to be traveling for a family wedding, but Bruce got called to work at the last minute (and I didn't feel comfortable making such a long trip by myself) so we canceled the trip.  I'm totally bumming because I'm missing my family like whoa right now AND I love weddings.  But I'll (hopefully) be able to get in a long run tomorrow morning and get some more packing done, so it won't be a complete loss.  Oh and Ephrem's baptism is on Sunday - we originally weren't going to be able to go, but now we can!  So - doors close, but windows open!

Have a great TGIF!


1 comment:

  1. Boo on not being able to go to the wedding!!! I hope you still find something fun to do instead :-)


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