Monday, July 5, 2010

The Day of Independence

The fireworks were awesome last night!

They made up for the fact that the Braves lost.  Not that I'm bitter or anything.

But if I were bitter, I would mention on here that I was NOT HAPPY that the Marlins intentionally walked Chipper Jones in the 8th inning.

But I'm not bitter.  So I won't mention it.

How did you all spend your 4th?


  1. I love fireworks! Unfortunately I didn't get to see any this year. We were too tired to make it there last night... I hope your forth was wonderful, and I'm sorry your team lost :-(

  2. Yay for a great fireworks show. Oh and I forgot to add on that last comment that I get the same way over flags and patriotic stuff. We were in Vegas for Fernando's birthday the year that 9-11 happened (it was only like a week after 9-11 actually) and I'll never forget what a big city looked like with all their flags out an on the jumbotrons. Talk about taking your breath away. I still cry when I see a big beautiful flag....


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