Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Soups I Am Pining Over

Oh man.  Y'all.  These ribs?  Even better 24 hours later.

I just had to get that off my chest.

Onto my terrible Pinterest pun.  If you follow me over there, you will see that I have an entire "board" dedicated to soups.  What can I say?  'Tis the season!  And with both of us working full time, soups are easy to cook in bulk and use as quick lunches.  I don't have much of my own cooking to share today (I had lunch with some colleagues and had leftovers for dinner) so I thought I would share what I have been pinning/pining - hopefully we'll make some version of them soon!

Source: flickr.com via Sarah on Pinterest

Anything catch your eye?

I'm pretty sure if you click on the pictures it will take you to my pinterest page and you can click from there over to the recipes.  Which one should we try first?


  1. that one with the bacon on top (in the yellow bowl) looks awesome!

  2. oh, soups! they call my name when the weather gets cooler... : )

  3. I'm so ready for fall soups :) Thanks for pinning one of mine :)


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