Monday, August 8, 2011

Insane Blessings

So today was definitely one of those non-stop, lots of unexpected visits, in-and-out of meetings all day type of days, but as I sit on the floor of a Sunday School classroom eating dinner, blogging and watching my husband build a whale (he's teaching Jonah tomorrow during Vacation Bible School!), I really feel insanely blessed.  Yes, it is 9:45 and I'm just eating dinner now.  Yes, I haven't been home since 8 a.m.  But even thought it was one of those days where there was a lot going on, I have felt all day that I am part of something really awesome.

I am one of those people that does not handle downtime well.  I like to keep busy and to keep moving.  A lull of any length of time will make me batty.  So while today was a little bit nutty, I just feel grateful to be able to do this full-time, to be in ministry as a vocation and to be part of a wonderful community.

I am also grateful for take out.  Because on days like this - it's necessary.

It looks like the tongue is just about finished on the whale so I am going to pack up and head home.  I cannot wait for this thing to be completely done so I can take a video and show you all!  It's really pretty incredible.

Goodnight all.

1 comment:

  1. I'm totally with you on not handling downtime well! Today was my day off and I had all my bills paid and errands run by noon. I didn't know what to do with myself the rest of the day!

    The whale sounds awesome, can't wait to see it!

    P.S. I've started blogging again - check it out!

    Love and miss you :)


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