Monday, August 22, 2011

Earlier Bedtimes

Check out the beautiful sunset we stumbled into while out running errands tonight!

The weather is a beautifully crisp 59 degrees right now! It was such a nice night to be out and about with my sweet husband.

Dinner was yummy!  The texture of the homemade sauce is a lot more fresher than the jarred and canned stuff from the store.  I can't wait to make my own ...

... which I will be doing very soon.  Look at what Bruce pulled out of the garden today! 

The carrots definitely look a little sad.  We think that we planted them too close to one another and they didn't have room to grow as much.  Live and learn for next year, I suppose!

So ... I am instituting an earlier bedtime around here.  We are both much more pleasant and productive in the morning when we call it a night sooner.  We've never been great about this (I partly blame graduate school) but I am determined to make it work now.

That being said - it's almost 9:30 and I have a couple of chores I want to get done before bed.  Goodnight!

1 comment:

  1. my mouth is seriously watering at the sight of your huge tomatoes! Not to mention that I am beyond jealous! I usually bite into them like apples, except sprinkled with salt. SO YUMMY!


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