Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Cruisin' Along

Bruce and I had an impromptu dinner with church members tonight - so impromptu that I didn't have my camera with me!  So imagine this ... steak on the grill, potato salad, garden salad, freshly baked bread and yellow cake with berries and whipped cream.  Oh.  My.

I snapped this en route to their house.  I love instagram!


So I thought I would give a quick garden update.  Our cucumbers are coming in full force (although we forgot to pick for about a week and some of them went bad, ugh) and the tomatoes are so close to turning red.  Naturally, you would think it is time for complete straight-from-my-garden salads, right?


Our lettuce is SHOT!  It has completely harvested and is starting to flower.  There are still some leaves on the plants, but they are pretty bitter.  Apparently this is what happens.

Blahhhhh.  Mother Nature - I need lettuce and tomatoes at the same time!

Time for another crop?

I grabbed two packages of seeds yesterday that have relatively short harvest times.

Both packages also specified that these greens can be planted for two crops.  Hopefully we should get another good lettuce crop to last us into the fall!

Now I just need to find some time to plant it ...

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