Wednesday, June 22, 2011

S-S-S-Spray Painting!

Do you remember this picture?

Taken just after we moved in of the kitchen. I cringed when I posted it because I was horrified that we hadn't done anything with our table and $4 chairs that I vowed to work on at the beginning of January.

Well, here we are nearly three months later and I still hadn't done anything with the chairs and it was driving me crazy!  I had grand plans to take everything apart, sand, paint and reupholster, but then realized that I really don't have the time for that and opted for $12 worth of black spray paint ...


Ignore the awful quality of the iPhone photo snapped at night - it looks better, agreed?

I can't wait to put a bright table runner on it and some candles!  It's going to look great!

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