Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Husband Bakes And The Wife Writes

The Husband Bakes ... 

Look what my sweet husband was up to last night!

He is an awesome baker and whipped up these two loaves of Sweet Egg Braid Bread like it was nothing.  I helped with some of the kneading, the braiding and the glaze painting.  It was fun!  He said he'd love to do a bread post on here sometime.

Unfortunately, the bread is for communion at the funeral of a sweet church member today.  I'm heading out soon to meet my mom at the church.


And The Wife Writes ... 

One of my New Year's resolutions was to get back into the professional publishing side of writing.  I'm not looking to make a career out of it, but I love writing and want to push myself a little bit.  I applied with Suite101 and was accepted!  My first article went live this morning.  Check it out here.  It's a review of my favorite kitchen appliances.  Feel free to comment over there if you have any suggestions or tools/gadgets that you love.  I'd love to start a conversation.

Thanks for the support everyone!


  1. Congratulations on the article!!

    If you're looking for another great freelance site, Demand Studios has some fabulous opportunities :-)

  2. Congrats on the article! That bread looks wonderful, tell your husband to get on that bread post soon!

  3. Thanks Marie! I've passed along the message and he can't wait. It's so easy. :)

  4. For one congrats on the new writing project! Keep posting other ones you do. And two, I need to teach my husband how to bake because that looks ah-mazing!


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