Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Snow Is No Match For WADT

Who needs a plow when you have a shovel and a broom?

Cleared in no time!

Of course, it was barely an inch.  I won't be this cheerful when Mother Nature drops 18 inches and we have to clear this beast of a driveway.

After a quick shower I went from snow shoveling goddess ...

... to Wear a Dress Tuesday queen!  Hooray!  I love WADT (although there was no wayyyy I was shoveling snow in a dress).

All black with a hint of red.  Just like we did it for Big Band concerts in college.

Look at who was a WADT princess today!

Little Cortlyn (Christen's daughter) was wearing her Minnie Mouse dress at Animal Kingdom today!  Can you imagine WADT at Walt Disney World?  Talk about magical ...


Let's see ...

PB&J (on Arnold Sandwich Thins - my favorite quick pizza crust!) for lunch.  I was craving something hearty after a morning of shoveling.

And inexpensive.  Hey, I quit my job when I moved up here, remember?

This afternoon Bruce and I drove up to Kent to try to (unsuccessfully, unfortunately) help fix my parent's snow plow.  On our way back to our house, we detoured over the covered bridge at Bull's Bridge to see the waterfalls.  They were moving something fierce today!

Whoooooeeee.  I can't even imagine how cold that water is.

My sweet husband just looks happier when he's wearing Carhartt.

Wearing a dress outside when it's 18 degrees is serious WADT commitment.  My friend Gloria told me today that she would rejoin the movement in the spring. :)

My parents invited us over for meatloaf and NCIS tonight!  I really want to learn how to make meatloaf - I feel like it gets a bad reputation because of all of the cliched cafeteria meatloaf spoofs, but there is so much potential for good flavor there.  The Pioneer Woman's recipe looks delicious, but a little intimidating.  Has anyone ever tried it?

I don't think I've eaten a vegetable in days.

My mom's Manhattan!  I decided to stay dry tonight, but toasted my Great-Grandmother's memory (Manhattans were her favorite!) anyway.

Unfortunately I wasn't feeling well, so we called it an early night and decided to finish NCIS tomorrow when they put it up online.  I feel like my equilibrium is off right now and I need to find a good base routine again.  Moving is hard!

I'm hoping that being in bed before 10 will help that - goodnight!


  1. What beautiful scenic photos! The meatloaf looks yummy too! I make a good turkey meatloaf. The recipe is in this post

    Stay warm!

  2. I hope you got plenty of rest, Sarah! Moving and big life changes certainly require it.

  3. Girl! I just went thru all my recipes on my blog & can't find the meatloaf recipe i use! i must not have blogged it?!?! It's really good...i'll send it to you if i find it! LOL!

    WOW that is some crazy snow!!!

  4. I made Glamour magazine's marriage meatloaf a while back and it turned out pretty good. I even went and found my blog post from that (here) with a link to the actual recipe. I do like meatloaf, but it definitely feels like it's supposed to be something weird that you're not actually supposed to like.


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