Friday, December 17, 2010

Connecticut Hiking

Dear Connecticut,

I've missed you.


However, the irony of my life can be summed up in this Facebook status ...


Today I ran in a balmy 35 degrees!  Practically a heat wave.  I ran 2.65 miles in 24:45, averaging a 9:20 pace!  What got into me?  Here is my breakdown:

Mile 1 - 9:10
Mile 2 - 9:42
2.00 - 2.65 - 5:53 (9:01 mile)

I've said it before and I'll say it again - I am a cold weather runner!  Or maybe I'm just a clean air runner?  I never did like running in smog ...

I made myself a big rice bowl for lunch (pre-run).

I roasted some broccoli and added it to cream of mushroom soup, then mixed it together with white rice.  Delicious!

Bruce took the afternoon off and went for a hike on the Appalachian Trail.  He started and stopped at different trail heads, so I dropped him off and picked him up.  When he texted me to ask me to pick him up he told me to bring my camera!

Happy Hikers!

Okay, I didn't really hike,  But I like to think - by dropping off and picking up - I was an integral part of the hiking process.

Alright time for me to stop rambling and hit publish.  My parents bribed us with dinner so they could borrow Bruce's truck tonight and we happily obliged.  My dad is outside barbecuing pork chops!  Yummmmm. 


p.s. Congratulations to Jen at Tiny Urban Kitchen for winning Project Food Blog!  And congratulations to Angela at Oh She Glows and Marc at No Recipes for getting to the final round and publishing incredible final posts.


  1. I've discovered recently that I'm a big fan of cold-weather running, too! (Did I already tell you this?) I'm hoping Tim will join me on a morning run today. We'll see!

  2. love the pics. y'all are so cute. that looks soooo cold. but yeah - i'd much rather go exercise outdoors when it's freezing than when it's hot. yuck!


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