Friday, July 23, 2010

4 Day Weekend! (ish)

My goodness - usually after a night on call, I'm on here much quicker than this!  That being said ... I survived another night on call!  In the grand scheme of things, the night really wasn't that bad (although, I did call Bruce crying after I finished up with one family - have I mentioned how wonderful he has been this summer?).

I came home and immediately changed and took a walk.  The heat index was supposed to be well over 100 today and I wanted to get out and back before it at least hit 90.  I had some errands to run afterwards, but have pretty much been hanging out at home trying not to melt ever since!  I'm heading to church soon for a fundraiser - I can't wait, all of the weekend on calls have kept me from church and I miss everyone!

I realized this week that I had only used one and a half of my five comp days for the summers - three and a half left!  I looked at my schedule and figured out when I could take off.  One of those days is this Monday (!), so (including my recovery day today) I have myself a nice four day weekend!  I definitely need it.  I plan on trying to find the perfect balance between productive cleaning and lazy relaxing.

TGIF everyone!  First weekend in weeks I'm not on call - YAY!


  1. Enjoy, Enjoy, Enjoy! Hope Bruce can spend at least 2 of those with you... Don't forget to sleep in late and do some Sarah-shopping!

  2. Have fun!! I'm working on an email back to you :) I've just been super crazy busy and I'm still trying to find some really good workshops that aren't $1000+


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