Thursday, June 24, 2010

Barnes and Noble Date

It's Thursday night.

Good Lord, I didn't think the end of this week would ever come.

I - along with the rest of the CPE interns - had IPR group this morning.  IPR stands for interpersonal reflection, which apparently is supposed to be a time where we deal with the issues that we have with one another.  The only problem (if you consider this a problem, I'm not sure that I do) is that we've only known each other for four weeks and so far we all get along really well.  There are no real problems to hash out.  So this morning I took it upon myself to complain about the fact that they keep pushing back the opening of the dolphin exhibit at the Georgia Aquarium.

I think it's safe to say that your group is solid when they only thing you can find to complain about is a dolphin exhibit.

Anyway, we have these group meetings off site, didn't so we get to the hospital until almost 1:00.  We ate lunch together and then I was able to get a couple of visits in before I left for the day.  I'm starting to feel a little bit more comfortable in my role, which is kind of a relief!  When I started four weeks ago, there really were points when I was regretting my decision to accept such a difficult placement.  I'm starting to feel a little bit better about it now (but still find myself taking deep breaths a LOT, ha!).

On my way home I called Bruce and asked if he wanted to go to Barnes and Noble with me tonight.  Tori Spelling's new book, Uncharted TerriTori, just came out and ... well ... I had to buy it.  I can't help it.  Books like this are my vice.  And I love Tori Spelling.  Please don't judge me.

Bruce agreed and we ended up having a really fun time.  I found my book pretty quickly, but we actually wandered around for about an hour and a half.  Bruce is on a yoga kick right now (I think that deserves it's own post), so at one point, we settled ourselves into the fitness / diet / lifestyle section to find a good book on yoga.  We've got some DVDs, but we'd love to build our own workouts and want to read up on it a little bit more.  I hopped over to Starbucks while Bruce paged through the books to grab a treat ...

Nothing like eating world's largest cookie while surrounded by on how to get into shape!

I know I should go to sleep as soon as I hit "publish" on this thing, but I really want to start reading!  Maybe just the first chapter ... ? :)


  1. OOOhhh, let me know if it's good- I might have to go and buy it! And, yes please, we need a Bruce and yoga post!

  2. Eating a large cookie in the workout section is a little like watching The Biggest Loser while eating ice cream, which I think it totally fine.

  3. You just described mine and Brenda's Sunday night date routine (minus the yoga stuff). We go to the B & N here in Newnan about 6 and kill 2-3 hours by grabbing some type of coffee drink and "snack." For us, it is a great place to unwind and get lost looking through all of the books, DVDs, and music... And about the Tori book; sounds like a great place to get sermon examples... Take care and hope to see you soon...

  4. Yeah...IPR...nightmare! Our supervisor walked out of ours once and accused us of "avoiding something" and returned with the feeling wheel. I still never understood the point of IPR, and she wouldn't settle for us making stuff up to "fight" about. We finally got onto someone in the group for her cell phone always going off, and that seemed satisfactory. Otherwise, she would walk out to get the feeling wheel!


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