Monday, May 31, 2010

Happy Memorial Day!

Happy Memorial Day!

Bruce and I originally made plans to head down to Turner Field for the afternoon Braves game, but the weather is looking iffy and I'm not sure I want to spend my last day before CPE starts waiting out multiple rain delays. :) So I think we're going to watch the radar and head over to the Chattahoochee River for a hike.  If we go sans cameras, I don't really care if we get poured on - it will probably feel good, actually!

Like many things in my life right now, Memorial Day isn't what it used to be.  For as long as I can remember I was up early, saxophone in hand and marching in at least one parade, sometimes two.  After I graduated from high school and was no longer marching, I would attend the parade in the town where my church is.  The parade would start at the K-8 school and would end at my mom's church, where she would pray at the cemetery behind the church.  I always started to get emotional when the veterans would turn the corner into the church parking lot and I would see the men and women who I knew and loved wearing their uniforms.  I will never know what went on and what they saw during their deployments; I will never understand how they feel now about their time served; but I do know that they made a huge sacrifice - and I was always grateful for the opportunity to honor them, to thank them and to pray for them.  I have definitely missed this tradition over the past three years.

For those who have served or who are serving today - thank you.  Your sacrifices are insurmountable.

1 comment:

  1. Great Post!!!!!

    Thank You for your sweet Comment :)

    I am SO EXCITED because yesterday I bought 3 skirts!!!!! and you know what that means ;)

    hehehe...I CANNOT wait for tomorrow :)


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