Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Graduation Part 1

Alternatively Titled: "I am here to inspire you.  And I am here to Pump You Up." -Arnold Schwarzenegger

This is the story about a girl whose alarm went off very early on Monday morning.

(Hi, Tim!)

After drinking copious amounts of coffee, that girl made her way to the courtyard by the chapel building on Emory University's campus to line up with her classmates for the main campus commencement ceremony.  It was early.  But no one cared.  This day had taken three years to get to.  It was time to celebrate ... 

(Hi, Kyle!)

... and to take lots of pictures, apparently.

(Hi Stacey & Lori!)

Lots and lots and lots of pictures.


The marshals herded the girl and her classmates into a line and they followed the sound of bagpipes towards the ceremony.

Ahh, the digital age.  Where no one walks in a graduation ceremony without a camera.  Hi Beth!

There were funny black hats everywhere.  And different colored hoods.  It was pretty.

Everyone sat down ...

... and Arnold Schwarzenegger gave the girl and her colleagues with some words of wisdom.


(No, seriously - he said that)

"I'll be back."

(He said that, too)

Eventually President James Wagner asked the students from the School of Theology to stand up so that he could confer their degrees.  They sat down knowing that they had officially earned their master's degrees ...

... and the girl and her friend Stacey looked like this.

To be continued ... 

1 comment:

  1. Congrats, congrats, congrats!! You made it!!

    I've been a horrible blog friend and have had zero time to comment and look at my fave blogs lately, but this week has calmed down and I've actually had time to catch up on everyone's goings-on : )

    You should be SO proud of yourself, Sarah. Such an awesome accomplishment!


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